Now Playing:50
Well she was 50 still nifty
She was really fillin' out those jeans
She wasn't what you call a ravin' beauty
But she was' bout the cutest girl I'd ever seen
That's good
Well I looked her up and she looked me down and I
I felt like I might faint
Thus the beginning of where we was and
Now I guess we ain't
Now listen I miss kissin'
Well she's walkin' walkin' while I was talkin'
She wasn't really looking' back
I felt like I got hit by that bus
And then I had a heart attack
That's bad
Well it's been a year maybe a month since I
Watched her stroll away
I'm heartbroke and drunk and a little pissed off but
All that's left to say
Now I miss her I miss the kissing'
I truly miss her
Oh man I miss her